135 USD - A detailed 36:1 scale model of SpaceX's Dragon 2 (A.K.A. Crew Dragon)
165 USD - 64:1 scale model of Falcon 9 Block 5
225 USD - 64:1 scale model of Falcon Heavy Block 5
95 USD - 96:1 scale model of the SpaceX's Starhopper prototype
215 USD - 96:1 scale model of the Starship Superheavy prototype
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
This is some sample text. just ignore it.
85 USD [-15%] 72 USD - 64:1 scale model of SpaceX's Falcon 1
Crew Dragon
135 USD - 36:1 scale model
A detailed 96:1 scale model of SpaceX's Starhopper prototype
Falcon Heavy
A detailed 64:1 scale model of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy
Falcon 9
A detailed 64:1 scale model of SpaceX's Falcon 9 block 5
Starship Superheavy
A detailed 96:1 scale model of the Starship Superheavy prototype
Falcon 1
A detailed 64:1 scale model of SpaceX's Falcon 1 launcher